Reconstructing Ancient Babylon: Myth and Reality (Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies Annual Symposium, theme “Babylon: Perceptions Ancient and Modern,” Toronto, 5 October 2019).
Category Archives: talks
City, Cult, and Kingship in First Millennium BC Babylonia (keynote lecture, 65th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Paris, 8–12 July 2019)
Management of Resources in Mesopotamia: the View from the First Millennium BC (workshop on “Management of Resources and Taxation,” Prague, 6–7 May 2019).
Minorities in Assyria: Investigating Social Identities Using the PNA Dataset (workshop on “Minorities in Mesopotamia,” Finnish Institute for the Middle East, Beirut, 8–9 April 2019).
Modelling Processes of Neighbourhood Change in Urban Babylonia (conference on ‘The Archaeology of Neighborhood Life. Concepts, Communities, and Change,’ ISAW NYU, 14 December 2018)
Religious Practice in Urban Babylonia: the Spatial Context (Université du Québec à Montréal, 15 October 2018).
Introducing the MTAAC Project: Machine Translation and Automated Analysis of Cuneiform Languages (64th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Innsbruck, 20 July 2018).
Neo-Assyrian Personal Names in Context: Onomastic Research Using the PNA Dataset (64th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, workshop “Methodological Developments in Prosopographical Studies,” Innsbruck, 17 July 2018).
(with É. Pagé-Perron) Machine Translation and Automated Analysis of Cuneiform Languages (contributions to workshop “Building International Bridges Through Digital Scholarship: The Trans-Atlantic Platform Digging Into Data Challenge Experience,” DH2018 Conference, Mexico City, 25 June 2018).
Assyrian Names in Babylonian Texts (lecture and workshop presented at the Onomastics Training Week organised by the Persia and Babylonia Project in Venice, 29 May–1 June).